
What can you do?

Tragedy strikes a family, and all of the sudden their lives are turned upside-down. Maybe it’s a house fire. Maybe it’s terrible car accident or a cancer diagnosis. Perhaps it’s the unexpected, sudden death of a parent and provider.

As outsiders looking in, we feel helpless. We send our love and prayers, visit their GoFundMe link, and donate money to help with the hospital bills, or lost income, or whatever it is that the afflicted family may need. In every case, we wish there was more that we could do, and wonder how we can prevent our own families from finding themselves in the same predicament.

If tragedy strikes your family, do you want them relying on donations to a GoFundMe campaign for the financial help they need?

Life insurance with Living Benefits beats GoFundMe every time. This “new kind” of life insurance not only covers death, but also can provide crucial funds in case of other life-altering tragedies like heart attacks, strokes, cancer, paralysis, and much more.

We all want to protect the people that matter most to us. You can do it, and we can help!

Give us a call, I have a full suite of plans that solve this.

Tommy Oliver
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